Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog Reviews.

Emily Swearinger's blog on AIR POLLUTION.
learned -
1. The greenhouse gas effect captures solar radiation in the atmosphere.
2. Greenhouse gases can be deadly to plants.
3. Outdoor pollution is any air born pollutant.
Worst - It's hard to tell where the paragraphs start and end because there's no spaces or indents. It's kind of boring.
Best - I'm curious about pollution because i know it effects us all.

Cody Stoner's blog on GREEN HOUSE GASES.
learned -
1. the main four types of green house gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
2. With NO greenhouse gases, we would have no atmosphere like Venus, Mars, and Titan.
3. Water vapors account for 66% of greenhouse gases.
worst - He didn't have any pictures.
best - It was interesting, and i actually learned from it.

Carleigh Nobach's blog on LOCAL WEATHER HISTORY.
learned -
1. Humidity may lead to health issues.
2. Scientists use satellites and radars and sensors to measure the earth’s atmosphere waves.
3. Certain earth weather conditions, acid rain, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes, have caused the earths ground to split and natural land to be destroyed.
worst - Bad grammar.
best - It made me laugh.

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